Partners and Donors


ADRA: Serving Humanity for a Better World

At ADRA, our mission is to fulfill the vision of a world where everyone can live according to the divine intention. To maximize our impact and reach those in need, we prioritize building strong and equitable relationships with community-based and grassroots organizations. By working directly with those most affected, we ensure that our efforts create a direct and meaningful impact.

In addition, our collaborations with governmental and nongovernmental partners at all levels are vital in fostering lasting change in the countries where we operate. These invaluable partnerships enable us to create sustainable solutions and bring about positive transformations in the communities we serve. Join us on our journey as we strive to make a difference and serve humanity for a better future.

Our Partners
Syria Humanitarian Fund Logo
ECHO logo
Aktion Deutschland Hilft Logo
Nachbar in Not logo
PLAN International Logo