
ADRA Appeal for Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Response

Featuring Samir Khalil

ADRA's response to the Türkiye earthquake in Syria

Miriam from ADRA Syria spoke with SBS news about the earthquakes that have devastated Türkiye and Syria. ADRA’s existing projects in Syria have shifted into recovery mode, working to support families who have lost everything.

Emergency Update | Earthquake Response in Syria

Miriam from ADRA in Syria shares an update on the condition post-earthquake in Syria, and how ADRA is responding to this devastation. 

School Shelter in Syria

Our team in Syria provides an update from a school that has become a shelter for individual people and families affected by the massive earthquakes.

ADRA Helps the Earthquake Victims in Türkiye and Syria

On February 6, 2023, the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Syria and Türkiye took the world by surprise.