Success Story: How Jinan Overcame Displacement

When a crisis strikes, children are typically the most affected.

Displacement and numerous conflicts frequently present insurmountable barriers to education, therefore many children drop out as a result of leaving and transferring from one place to another.

Jinan, a 14-year-old girl from Idlib who benefited from the remedial class program in Darayya, Rural Damascus, recounts her story. “We had to flee our town in Idlib while I was in second grade, owing to the conflict. After my father and mother divorced, my brothers and I moved to Rural Damascus and settled in Darayya.”

Jinan says, “My mother had no job and the economic conditions were stressful when we moved to Darayya. Despite this, she quickly registered me and my brothers in school. However, due to our previous experiences, we had a low level of education. I am currently in eighth grade, considered a preparatory class for the ninth-grade certificate. I was scared that I would fail because my mother was unable to enroll me in private classes due to our present economic situation. Besides this, I had used up all the stationery that my mother bought for me at the start of the year, and we couldn’t afford more.”

“Then, ADRA came to the school and told us about the remedial class program. I was so excited to tell my mother and she raced to register me. During registration, ADRA informed us that they would distribute school kits to all the participating students with all the supplies we would need.”

“Since starting the program, I’ve felt like I’m getting better every day. I was also really pleased with all of my peers. The day we received our school kits was my favorite day at school! For the first time, I received a great present. It is even more valuable since it was provided to us at a time when we required it most.”

“I am grateful to ADRA for providing me with a chance to participate in this highly beneficial program. Thank you for giving us hope for a better future.”